Steps to Becoming a Registered Home Inspector
(candidate, associate, then an RHI)
You must first become a candidate. To be a candidate, complete an application form and submit it to the CAHPI Alberta office along with your payment of $ 475.00 + GST 23.75 = $ 498.75. (payment includes a onetime application fee of $100.00). Please include a summary of your past experience and any verifiable copies of degrees, diplomas, certificates as well as any other related information regarding your construction background.
A candidate has several steps of education to complete before becoming an associate and then a Registered Home Inspector.
CAHPI Alberta endorses the 10 courses that are offered by Carson Dunlop. These courses are the foundation for your education providing you with knowledge and technical support in all systems. We recognize the advantage Carson Dunlop students have gained by completing these courses.
They are available through our CAHPI Alberta office, click here to access an order form. A set (10 courses) is $3,995 (no applicable GST) plus freight $73.50 (includes GST). You can also purchase one course at a time for $450 (no applicable GST) plus freight $21.00 (includes GST). These are home study courses, click here for more detailed course information.
They are also available through SAIT, Ashton College or NorQuest College.
You must pass a series of CAHPI Alberta exams. There are 7 exams
- Electrical
- Roofing
- Plumbing
- Heating / Air Conditioning
- Interiors / Exteriors
- Structure / Insulation
- Standards of Practise / Code of Ethics / Legal
The exams can be written in Calgary (at the CAHPI Alberta office) and in Edmonton (at a designated location) by appointment only. They can also be written at our quarterly meetings. Arrangements can be made to write an exam at a local college if you live outside of Calgary or Edmonton (an additional fee of $25 would apply). The fee for an exam written in Calgary or Edmonton is $75 plus GST. Exams are 75 multiple choice questions, a 90 minute time limit, and require 80% to pass.
Safety Code Part 9, Term 1 & 2 are highly recommended. These courses are available through the Alberta Safety Code Council 1-888-413-0099
Report Verification
Members must submit 4-6 reports of houses that they have inspected. These do not have to be fee paid inspections. The purpose of report verification is to ensure that inspectors are reporting to the CAHPI Standards of Practice. Before inspecting for the general public, a member should have their reports verified to ensure that they meet the CAHPI Standards of Practice. You are responsible for maintaining your own reporting practices and keeping abreast of any changes.
Mock Inspection With Peer Review (MIPR)
A vacant house will be inspected by two examiners, who then agree on the major and minor defects. Applicants will inspect the house and compile with their own list of major and minor defects and complete their own report.
A maximum of 2.5 hours will be allowed for the inspection. An additional 2 hours to complete your report and prepare a list of your 12 highest priority defects before the oral interview conducted by the 2 examiners.
At the interview treat the examiners as your clients, and discuss with them the major defects in the house and their implications. Have your report ready to submit.
You will then be asked approximately 20 questions relating to technical issues, the Standards of Practice and the Code of Ethics. Communication is a very important part of this profession. Your ability to inspire confidence and to accurately convey the facts of your report will be assessed.
Fee Paid Inspections
At this point, you have achieved “Associate” status with CAHPI. To become a RHI you must complete 250 fee paid inspections and provide documentation to the CAHPI office.
RHI status granted.